Technologies for improving combined sewer systems

ENTRY DATE: 23.04.2012 | LAST UPDATE: 23.04.2012


  • Water Resources
  • Improvement of water quality


Ready for introduction, to be applied immediately

Technology Owners:

Local governments, private sector companies (environmental equipment), etc.

Needs Address

The need to reduce the impacts of deteriorating quality of public waters (particularly enclosed water bodies, etc.) as a result of climate change, in areas that may face declining sanitation conditions.

Adaptation effects

・Limiting the deterioration of water quality in enclosed water bodies due to the effects of climate change, etc.
・Prevention of deterioration of sanitation conditions and reduction of disease risk due to climate change, etc.
・Improved wastewater treatment capacity to handle extreme events

Overview and Features

・Combined sewer systems, which release wastewater and rainwater into the same sewers, are commonly used in large cities. In recent years, however, rainwater mixed with wastewater is released into public waters when the intercepting sewer capacity is exceeded during rainfall events, leading to concerns about negative impacts on sanitation and ecological impacts where the wastewater is eventually discharged.
・To address these concerns, it is necessary to develop a strategy for each facility. Below are examples of options for each type of facility. 

Examples of technology, by type of facility


Strategy Option

Technologies Applied

Sewer system (piping)


Pipe cleaning, repair/maintenance of flashings/pipes, measures to prevent infiltration

Flow control

Orifices, gates, expansion gates

Optimization of interception system

Optimization of interception/mixing, reduction of mixing, rainwater outfall integration

Optimization of intercepted volume

Increase intercepted volume

Effective use of existing pipes

Bypass pipes

Separated flows

Storage / infiltration


Infiltration wet wells, infiltration trenches, porous pavement, infiltration wells


Onsite storage, rainwater capture pond, downstream storage facilities


Handling of debris

Filtration screen, overflow screen during rainfall, traveling screen, oil fence facilities

Solid/liquid separation

Storm water settling pond, settling with inclined slab, solids-separation vortex equipment

Upgrading of primary treatment

Pressure flotation method, rapid flocculation settling method, rapid filtration method

Escalated sewage treatment during wet weather

Activated sludge sewage treatment during wet weather


Chlorination, etc.

Measurement and control systems

Automatic E. coli detection device

Pumping facilities

Improve capacity of facilities

Convert settling pond and pump wet well to dry types, use finer screen apertures

Raw water and sewage Sources

Strategies to deal with sources

Street cleaning, separating the flow of roof runoff, cleaning of wet wells, control of littering, control of discharge of oily substances

Source: Compiled from "Improving combined sewer systems:  countermeasures Guidelines and Commentary " (2002), Japan Sewage Works Association (in Japanese).


・A case study for improvements in a model treatment area (serviced area 100 ha, wastewater volume when no rain (daily average): 2000 m3/day) produced the following results:

Proposal 1:
Install a rainwater storage pond (3,400 m3 per location (type III), watershed area  initial rainfall 3.4 mm)
Reduction of debris: Install screens in each storm water outfall chamber (3 locations)
Cost: 7.7 million yen (plus cost of land for storage pond)

Proposal 2:
・Install interception pipe (φ 600 mm, L=500 m)
・Upgrade primary treatment (rapid filtration): 30,000 m3/day
・Reduction of debris: Install screens in each storm water chamber (3 locations)

Project cost estimated at 5.84 million yen. 

Source: "Guide for emergency improvement plans for efficient combined sewer systems" (draft), March 2008, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (in Japanese).

Energy source


Ease of maintenance

Management and maintenance technology of each facility in the combined sewer system is required.


This technology requires a combined sewer system to already be in place.

Co-benefit, suitability for developing countries

・Improvement of sanitation by proper treatment of domestic wastewater.
・Water quality conservation of rivers and marine areas

Information Resources

・" Improving combined sewer systems: countermeasures Guidelines and Commentary " (2002) apan Sewage Works Association (in Japanese).
・"Guide for emergency improvement plans for efficient combined sewer systems" (draft), March 2008, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (in Japanese).