

The 5th Exchange Series on Climate Financing: E-Discussion Report


The 5th Exchange on “Strengthening Country Systems to Access and Manage Climate Finance” was raised by Dr. Peter King on 29 Aug 2014 to engage the APAN climate change adaptation community in Asia and the Pacific. The Exchange period lasted approximately two weeks. The e-discussion report is available for download via the link below.

Dr. King is the Adaptation Project Preparation and Finance Team Leader for the USAID funded Adapt Asia-Pacific project. He is also the Senior Policy Advisor at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) Regional Centre based in Bangkok, Thailand.

The Exchange Series on Climate Change Adaptation is facilitated by APAN Knowledge Management Team and supported by the USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific project. The team moderates the exchanges and ensures that members receive a maximum of one email a day. Messages posted reflect the personal views of the contributors and not the positions of their organizations.

If you have any additional information related to the topic that you would like to share, or any other inputs, including suggestions to improve this Exchange, please email them to: