

Community-based climate change adaptation in Vietnam: inter-linkages of environment, disaster, and human security


Climate change is happening, and the impacts are being visible in different forms of natural disasters and catastrophes, which are impacting the lives and livelihoods of the people and communities in rural areas. Central part of Vietnam is observing significant change in rainfall pattern and cyclone path, which is causing unprecedented floods and affecting the agriculture, aquaculture and animal husbandry, which are the major livelihoods for the rural communities. This is the most prominent in Central Vietnam, which is affected by a series of typhoons and strong rainfall in 1999. As a long-term response to the climate change impacts, a Canadian NGO started a community based adaptation project with the involvement of local government.

Read more: Multiple Dimension of Global Environmental Changes, edited by S. Sonak, TERI publication, 521-547 (2006) :


  • Climate induced disasters
  • community based adaptation to climate change