

Asia-Pacific Regional Climate Change Adaptation Assessment, Final Report: Findings and Recommendations, April 2010


The developing countries of the Asia-Pacific region are very diverse economically, politically, socially, and culturally. Yet, many of them face similar development and environmental challenges related to poverty alleviation, sustainable economic development, increased urbanization and greater rural-urban migration, environmental degradation, and the frequent incidence of natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis. Climate change is an additional stressor on livelihoods, ecosystems, and infrastructure that will place large populations and key sectors in the region at risk. In recognition of the region’s vulnerability to climate change, its role in mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the moral responsibility of developed countries to assist the most vulnerable people to adapt to climate change as expressed by the Obama administration, this report seeks to identify opportunities for USAID to deepen its regional engagement in supporting adaptation to climate change in Asia.

Read more: Final Report :


  • Climate change adaptation
  • Vulnerabilities to climate change