

Strengthening Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation (TA-7326)


This project aims to help increase Sri Lanka’s resilience to climate change impacts, whilst pursuing sustainable economic development and natural environment conservation. The project also hopes to stimulate improved effectiveness of environmental management and better organization of stakeholders to address climate change adaptation in Sri Lanka. 

The project, running from November 2009 to end 2010, comprises four key components, (i) Preparing a strategic program for climate change adaptation, expediting access to financing for priority adaptation measures; (ii) Convening a Partners’ Forum where financing the strategy would be discussed; (iii) Preparing an education, information, and awareness strategy to increase understanding of climate change adaptation risks and adaptation responses; and (iv) Strengthening the technical capacity within the government to handle new challenges of increasingly destabilized environments and environment-dependent economic and social activities.


  • awareness strategy
  • Education strategy
  • information strategy