

APAN 2013 Annual Report


This report provides a summary of the activities of APAN from January- December 2013. During 2013, APAN enhanced its operations through the Regional Hub (RH) and the Secretariat of the Steering Committee (SC) with the support from partners. In addition, APAN organised various training workshops and conferences to contribute to build capacities for climate adaptation. The training workshops and conference were organised with the goal of broadening the network activities in order to provide quality information for decision makers, practitioners and researchers related to climate change adaptation. APAN also strengthened ties with partner institutions including APAN nodes and the United States Agency for International Development- Climate Change (USAID ADAPT Asia Pacific); and expanded its partnership with international agencies such as UNEP- DTIE (Division of Technology, Industry and Economics) and for knowledge sharing and exchange with Institute of Development Studies supported ELDIS.