
Climate change food and nutrition security implications


The series of articles in this issue of SCN clearly maps out the problems and solutions that policy makers and practitioners can follow, to take action before problems grow beyond control. The nutrition problems that are building up across the regions of the world are multifaceted, but have some common threads too. One of them is the issue of poverty, which manifests itself in two opposite directions: undernutrition and obesity. In
this as in many other problems, the causes are the same while the outcome is different.
Among other key nutrition issues is the lack of diversity and on-going trends to further narrow down the offer, by promoting a few commodities over a larger number of nutritious and locally specific foods. Developing local foodsheds to supply a rich diversity of local produce would help in reducing the poverty problem, while addressing the hunger / nutrition and poverty nexus.


  • Climate change
  • Food Security
  • nutrition