Sessions Videos of the 7th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum

Overview of each session can be found under each video on You Tube, in the Agenda and Programme Book.

——————– DAY 1 ——————–

Plenary Session
Inauguration of the 7th APAN Forum & High-Level Plenary: Resilience for All: the Critical Decade to Scaleup Action

Artistic Performance
Policy and Climate Governance

Plenary Session
Policy and Climate Governance

Technical Session | Inclusive Resilience
Envisioning Resilient and Inclusive Futures for Asia and the Pacific: the Role of Policy and Climate Governance in Securing More Inclusive Resilience Practices

Technical Session | Economic Sector Resilience
Moving from ‘Form to Function’ for Strengthening Climate Policy and Governance in Economic Sectors

Technical Session | Nature-based Resilience
Fostering Inclusive and Cross-Sectoral Governance Processes for Nature-based Solutions for Resilience

Technical Session | Communities and Local Resilience
Linking Adaptation and Mitigation: The role of NAP Processes in NDC Implementation towards Climate Action for Inclusive and Enhanced Local resilience in South and Southeast Asia

Plenary Session
Key Messages from the Day 1

Special Event
The Role of Women In Climate Change Adaptation. A Commemoration of the International Women’s Day 2021 through Inspiring Talks and Artistic Performances

——————– DAY 2 ——————–

Artistic Performance
Planning and Processes

Plenary Session
Planning and Processes

Technical Session | Economic Sector Resilience
Overcoming the “tragedy of horizon” through climate change in economic planning process

Technical Session | Communities and Local Resilience
Collaborating Efforts to Strengthening Cities Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks

Technical Session | Nature Based Resilience
Integrating Nature-based and Ecosystem-based Elements in National Adaptation Planning

Technical Session | Inclusive Resilience
Supporting Human Rights-based Inclusive Resilience for All

Plenary Session
Key Messages from the Day

——————– DAY 3 ——————–

Special Event
Global Adaptation Network (GAN): Now and Future

Artistic Performance
Science and Assessment

Plenary Session
Science and Assessment

Technical Session | Inclusive Resilience
Enhancing resilience across borders: using science to call for regional action in the HinduKush Himalaya (HKH)

Technical Session | Nature-based Resilience
Closing Adaptation Knowledge Gaps to Scale Up Nature-based Action in the Asia-Pacific Region

Technical Session | Communities and Local Resilience
Toward Locally Led Adaptation: Fusion of Local and Scientific Knowledge and the Role of Universities in Strengthening Community Resilience

Technical Session | Economic Sector Resilience
Status and Challenges for Linking Scientific Knowledge to Strengthening Socio-economic Resilience to Climate-related Disasters

Plenary Session
Key Messages from the Day

——————– DAY 4 ——————–

Artistic Performance
Technologies and Practices

Plenary Session
Technologies and Practices

Technical Session | Communities and Local Resilience
Inclusive Community-focused Adaptation Efforts for Sustained Resilience and Development

Technical Session | Inclusive Resilience 
Building Community Resilience by Scaling up Women’s Access to Technologies and Strengthening Voices and Leadership

Technical Session | Economic Sector Resilience 
Taking Climate Resilience Economic Development to Scale through Technology and Practice

Technical Session | Nature-based Resilience
Harnessing Climate Technologies and Practices to Strengthen Nature-based Resilience

Plenary Session
Key Messages from the Day

Special Event
Filling the Adaption Gap

——————– DAY 5 ——————–

Artistic Performance
Finance and Investment

Plenary Session
Finance and Investment

Technical Session | Economic Sector Resilience 
Climate Finance for Catalysing Transformative Economic Development

Technical Session | Nature Based Resilience
Financing and Investments: Complementary Roles of Public and Private Sources of Climate Finance for Nature-based Solutions

Technical Session | Communities & Local Resilience
Partners not Beneficiaries – Empowering Local Communities as Climate Finance Actors

Technical Session | Inclusive Resilience
Climate Finance in Flux: How Can Finance Flows Steer Resilience Pathways that Truly Leave No One Behind?

Plenary Session: Scaling-up Action
Presentation of Forum’s Summary; High-level Closing Plenary; Key APAN Partners Commitments.