Day1 Registration
Opening Plenary 1 - Adaptation in Action
ESCAP Hall, Second Floor
The opening plenary outlines the need for and challenges to action on adaptation. It discusses and illustrates the key issues in shifting from deliberations to decisions, plans to policies, and policies to practices.
- Anna Lindstedt, Ambassador for Climate Change, Ministry of the Environment, Government of Sweden
- Shigemoto Kajihara, Deputy Director-General of Global Environment, Ministry of Environment (MOEJ), Japan
- Keith Alverson, Head of Climate Change Adaptation and Terrestrial Ecosystems Branch and Climate Change Adaptation Unit, UNEP HQs, Kenya
Ministerial Statement
- Pithaya Pookaman, Vice Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand
Keynote Addresses
- Bindu Lohani, Vice President, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Philippines
- Johan Kuylenstierna, Executive Director Designate, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden
Invited Speakers
- Youssef Nassef, Coordinator, Adaptation Programme, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Germany
- Byungwook Lee, President, Korea Environment Institute (KEI), Former Vice Minister of Environment, Korea
- Youth Representative - Dipesh Chapagain, Co-founder/Program Coordinator, Nepalese Youth for Climate Action (NYCA), Clean Energy Nepal
Tea Break - In front of Conference Room 1
Policies, Programs and Plans
The following panel sessions explore examples of adaptation in action with a focus on policies, programs and plans. Panels consider different levels and both the public and private sphere. Speakers will be given 7-10 minutes for opening remarks. After that facilitators will encourage exchange of view among panelists and responses to questions from the audience.
11:00-12:30 |
Panel 1 International Agreements and Initiatives
ESCAP Hall, Second Floor |
- Ulrika Åkesson, First Secretary (Environment and Climate Change), Development Cooperation Section, Embassy of Sweden, Thailand
- Youssef Nassef, Coordinator, Adaptation Programme, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Germany
- Damdin Davgadorj, Mongolian Special Envoy for Climate Change, Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, Mongolia
- Izumi Kubota, Senior Policy Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan
- Paul Steele, Environment Advisor, UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre, Thailand
11:00~12:30 |
Panel 2 National Policies, Strategies and Programs
Meeting Room A, First Floor
How has adaptation been effectively mainstreamed in national policies, strategies or programs? What, for example, has been learned from initial projects enabled by NAPA activities? How has horizontal coordination or cross-sectoral integration issues been handled? How have adaptation efforts been impacted by conventional development policies and practices, and vice-versa?
- Dhruba Pant, Professor, Nepal Engineering College
- Sinh Bach Tan, Director, National Institute for Science and Technology Policy and Strategic Studies (NISTPASS), Vietnam
- Vidhisha N Samarasekara, Senior Climate Change Specialist, India Resident Mission, Asian Development Bank (ADB),India
- S M Munjurul Hannan Khan, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Bangladesh
- Rebecca Nadin, Director, Adapting to Climate Change, China Programme
- Sanjay Tomar, Senior Advisor, Natural Resource Management Programme, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, India
11:00~12:30 |
Panel 3 Local Government Planning
Meeting Room G, First Floor |
How are local governments taking adaptation to climate change into account in their plans and planning procedures?
- Richard Friend, Senior Staff Scientist, Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET), Thailand
- Christopher Kaczmarski, Regional Technical Advisor on Local Development, UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), Thailand
- Yanyong Inmuong, Associate Professor, Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
- Ilona Porsché, Project Director, Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Areas of India (CCA RAI), Natural Resources Management Programme, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, India
- Benoit Mayer, PhD student, National University of Singapore
11:00~12:30 |
Panel 4 Private Sector Strategies, Responsibilities and Contributions
Meeting Room F, First Floor |
How are private firms including adaptation to climate change in their core business strategies? How are their approaches similar and different from governments? How are they attempting to influence and contribute to public policy?
- Louis Lebel, Director, Unit for Social and Environmental Research, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
- Leena Wokeck, Director, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Asia Center at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
- Avijit Gautam, Operations Head, Emergent Ventures International Pte. ltd,Thailand
- Linda Yarr, Director, Partnerships for International Strategies in Asia (PISA), Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University, USA
- Mohiuddin Babar, Nature Alliance, Bangladesh
11:00~12:30 |
Panel 5 Multi-level Coordination
Meeting Room C & D, First Floor
How have countries tackled the challenge of coordinating policy, plans and programs on adaptation across administrative levels through to local residents?
- Nguyen Huong Thuy Phan, Programme Coordinator of the MRC Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative, Environment Division, Mekong River Commission Secretariat, Vientiane, Lao PDR
- Purushottam Ghimire, Joint Secretary, National Planning Commission Secretariat, Nepal
- Changsub Shim, Research Scientist, Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change, Korean Environment Institute (KEI), Korea
- Sonam Lhaden Khandu, Senior Environment Officer, Climate Change Unit, National Environment Commission (NEC), Royal Government Bhutan
- Christophe Béné, Coordinator, Adaptive Social Protection Programme, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK
- Suzzane Kelly-Lyall, Deputy Director, Partnerships for International Strategies in Asia (PISA), Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University, USA
11:00~12:30 |
Panel 6 Integrating Adaptation and Mitigation Actions
Meeting Room E, First Floor
What are the effective ways of integrating adaptation and mitigation? What are the experiences with integration, for example, in designing energy systems, coastal management or agro-forestry?
- Regan Suzuki, REDD-net Coordinator, Asia Pacific, RECOFT - The Centre for People and Forest, Thailand
- Fawad Khan, Senior Associate, Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET), Pakistan
- Ei Ei Htun, M&E Specialist, Mercy Corps, Myanmar
- Simon Henschel, Managing Director, Sunlabob International Pte., Ltd, Singapore
- Raza M. Farrukh, Senior Project Officer, Pakistan Resident Mission, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Panel 6b Building Climate Resilient Cities
Meeting Room B, First Floor
How are city and regional planners and authorities making cities more resilient to climate change?
- Anna Brown, Associate Director, The Rockefeller Foundation, Thailand
- Bharat Dahiya, Human Settlements Officer, UN-HABITAT,Thailand
- Stephen Tyler, Senior Associate, Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET), Canada
- Gabrielle Iglesias, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC), Thailand
- Isabel Pereira Rodrigues, Research Fellow, Post-Doctoral, Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics (CEFAGE), University of Évora, Portugal
Lunch - Reception Area, Ground Floor
Meeting Room B, First Floor
Media Round Table: Strengthening Urban Capacity for Responding to Climate Change Impacts
PLENARY 2 - Insights from Practice
ESCAP Hall, Second Floor
The second plenary will focus on what has been learnt from practice. It is therefore intended to be a pragmatic and initial response to the first plenary's outline of the issues and challenges in taking Adaptation ideas into practice. A facilitator will encourage exchange among panelists who will be asked to keep each intervention to less than 2-3 minutes.
- Rajib Shaw, Associate Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
- Charles Rodgers, Senior Environment Specialist (Climate Change Adaptation), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Philippines
- Marcus Moench, President, Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET), USA
- Ugyen Tshewang, Secretary, National Environment Commission (NEC), Royal Government Bhutan
- Kyosuke Inada, Climate Change Advisor, Global Environment Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan
Tea Break - In front of Conference Room 1
The following sessions focus on practice in taking adaptation actions at different levels in diverse sectors, geographical zones and key stakeholder groups. All forum participants are welcome to join. Each session will start with a short introduction from the session coordinators setting scope and expected outcomes.
15:40~17:00 |
Panel 7 Managing Water for Food and Agriculture
Meeting Room A, First Floor |
How does improved management of water for food and agriculture support adaptation?
- John Dore, Senior Water Resources Advisor - Mekong Region, Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), Lao PDR
- Masataka Watanabe, Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Japan
- Wang Guoqing, Professor, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Research Center for Climate Change, Ministry of Water Resources, China
- Upali Imbulana, Regional Coordinator, Global Water Partnership (GWP)- South Asia, Sri Lanka
- Ancha Srinivasan, Principal Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Philippines
15:40~17:00 |
Panel 8 Disaster Management and Climate Change Adaptation
Meeting Room G, First Floor |
How does effective disaster management support adaptation to climate change, and vice versa?
- Hideyuki Mori, President, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan
- Shinano Hayashi, Deputy Director, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan
- Zeng Yunmin, Director Assistant, GuangDong Academy of Social Science, China
- Wijitbusaba Ann Marome, Associate Dean of International Affairs, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University, Thailand
- N.M.S.I. Arambepola, Deputy Executive Director, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC), Thailand
- Neil Britton, Principal Disaster Risk Management Specialist, Regional and Sustainable Development Department (RSDD), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Philippines
15:40~17:00 |
Panel 9 Community-based Adaptation
Meeting Room C & D, First Floor |
How do community-based actions support adaptation?
- Atiq Rahman, Executive Director, Bangladesh Center for Advanced Studies (BCAS), Bangladesh
- Gehendra Bahadur Gurung, Head of Programme Climate Change, Food Security, DRR, Practical Action, Nepal
- Arivudai Nambi Appadurai, Project Director, Climate Change Program, M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), India
- Pinreak Suos, National Advisor, NAPA Follow up Project, Environment and Energy Cluster, UNDP, Cambodia
- Paramesh Nandy, Project Manager, UNDP-BD Project of Ministry of Environment and Forest, Bangladesh
- Arobindo Mahato, Assistant Professor, Department of Rural Management and Development, Tripura University, India
15:40~17:00 |
Panel 9B Gender and Adaptation Mainstreaming
Meeting Room F, First Floor |
How does gender matter for adaptation? Are women involved in making adaptation decisions? Are women's actions important for adaptation?
- Bernadette P. Resurreccion, Associate Professor, Gender & Development Studies, School of Environment, Resources & Development, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand
- Annemariie Reerink, Gender Specialist, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Thailand
- Jeremy Stickings, Senior Social Development Specialist, Central and West Asia Department (CWAD), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Philippines
- Pisith Sok, Gender & Climate Change Committee, Ministry of Women Affairs, Royal Government of Cambodia
- Bruce Ravesloot, Senior Adaptation Advisor, Poverty, Environment and Climate Change Network Asia, CARE International,Thailand
15:40~17:00 |
Panel 10 Ecosystem Management and Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Meeting Room E, First Floor |
How do well managed ecosystems support adaptation? How has improved management of forests, wetlands and coastal ecosystems contributed to adaptation?
- Keith Alverson, Head of Climate Change Adaptation and Terrestrial Ecosystems Branch and Climate Change Adaptation Unit, UNEP HQs, Kenya
- Robert Mather, Head, South East Asia Group, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Thailand
- Sumit Pokhrel, Energy/Climate Change Coordinator, GMS Core Environment Program, Environment Operations Center, Thailand
- Sameer Karki, Regional Technical Advisor, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Thailand
- Dethi Soumare Ndiaye, Coordinator, Adaptation Fund Bureau, Centre de Suivi Ecologique (CSE), Senegal
- Alamgir Khan Gandapur, Project Director, Forest/Environment Department, Pakistan
15:40~17:00 |
Panel 12 Mainstream and Alternate media
ESCAP Hall, Second Floor
Has mainstream media or alternative media contributed enough to adaptation actions on climate change
- Craig Hobbs, CEO, Asia-Pacific Media Alliance for Social Awareness, Singapore
- Joydeep Gupta, Director, Third Pole Project, India
- Ir. Johannes Jacobus Voordouw, Coordinator of Programme, Panos Caribbean
- Kunda Dixit, Editor, Nepali Times, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Jessica Cheam, Environment Correspondent, The Straits Times, Singapore
ESCAP Hall, Second Floor
Adaptation Film Festival
Master of Ceremony: Stuart Ward, The Development Cooperation Section of the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok
- Screening of the award winning films
- Award Ceremony with Khun Winai "Make" Kraibutr, famous Thai movie star to winners of the best Film Competition on Climate Change Adaptation
- Performance by Chinese Singer Ruhan - Dancing on a Rainbow & Time to Grow (Chinese and English)
- Talk by Kunda Dixit, Editor and Publisher - Nepali Times - Kathmandu on the Role of Media in Communicating Adaptation
- Award Ceremony with Khun Winai "Make" Kraibutr, famous Thai movie star to winners of the Best Media Reporting on Climate Change Adaptation
- Engaging with the Winners, Judges
- Performance by Chinese Singer Ruhan - The World We Leave Behind (Chinese)
Reception Area, Ground Floor
Reception Supported by The Rockefeller Foundation