Culminating Workshop RETA 6420: Promoting Climate Change Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific, Siam City Hotel
Venue: Siam City Hotel, Thailand
Focal Person: Marge Bañas (
Preliminary Agenda
13:00 – 13:30
Welcome and Introduction
- Opening Remarks (Nessim Ahmad, RSES/RSDD/ADB)
- Meeting Overview (Charles Rodgers, RSES/RSDD/ADB)
13:30 – 15:30
Overview of Small Grants for Adaptation Activities (SGA) Supported by RETA6420
SGA project managers or appointed delegates will present a brief overview of respective SGA projects emphasizing (i) project status, (ii) project outcomes and outputs, (iii) significant lessons learned, (iv) significant problems encountered and (v) potential for replication and upscaling. (10 min. presentations, 5 min. discussion)THA/VN: Climate Risk Management Assessment for Agriculture (Manju)
- Asian Mega-Cities: Ho Chi Minh City (Jay)
- PHP: Strengthening Climate Change Resilience – Natural Resources (TBD)
- COO: Protecting Biodiversity – Community-Based (WWF)
- LAO: Climate Impact and Adaptation – Rural Infrastructure (Ancha)
- PRC: Chongqing Phase II (Satoshi)
- REG: Enabling ADB’s Climate Change Interventions in Central & West Asia; Glacial Melt and Downstream Impacts on Indus-Dependent Water Resources and Energy (Cinzia
- Document - Lessons from ADB’s Experience (Charles)
15:30 – 15:45
Coffee Break
15:45 – 17:30
Development of Technical Resources to Support the Delivery of ADB’s Expanding Adaptation Program
Update on the development of technical resources to support ADB’s expanding adaptation efforts, and exchange of views on needs and priorities for technical support
- Overview of, and update on the development of the technical resource package led by RSES (Charles + RSES Adaptation team)
- Open discussion on needs and priorities for technical support to deliver ADB’s expanding adaptation program (Xianfu to moderate)
Initial inputs to be provided by:
- Vidhisha (national and sectoral perspective)
- Norio (project level perspective)
- Rikard (thematic perspective – Health)
- Bart (thematic perspective – Migration)
17:30 – 18:00
Wrap-Up and Next Steps
Summary of presentations and discussions; closing remarks (Charles)
18:30 – 20:00
Reception and Dinner (Siam City Hotel)