Thursday 19 September, 2024 :: 

Market Place

The Adaptation Forum 2010 Market Place will showcase dynamic and diverse range of organizations, products, services, information and knowledge on Climate Change Adaptation. It intends to be a suitable area to meet up with other Forum participants, network, review publications and audio-video displays. Exhibitors and Forum participants will be encouraged to use recycled or reused design components.

The e-registration for the Market Place is closed. The Market Place will be free of charge; however the Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum 2010 Secretariat and partners will keep the right of decision on the appropriateness of the requested space basing on the applications received.

Please click here to download the Market Place Information Sheet. The titles of the exhibitors and their information are as follows:

1. Center of Excellence in the Context of Climate Change, Asian Institute of Technology (SDCC-AIT)
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Tomi Haryadi
Project Manager of SDCC Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
PO BOX 4 Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120
Phone: 66-2-524-6723
Mobile: 66-800-64-1938
Fax: 66-2-524-5003


Center of Excellence in the Context of Climate Change (SDCC) is a research center under the AIT platform, serves as the knowledge umbrella for all climate change related research in AIT. SDCC is aiming to consolidate the Institute's research efforts and broaden network and partner by providing a platform to discuss and launch shared initiatives and pool resources to effectively address issues and challenges in sustainable development and climate change.

SDCC has 6 thematic areas:  

1. Vulnerability and Disaster Risk Reduction

2. Water Resources and Coastal Adaptation

3. Urban and Rural Sustainability

4. Low Carbon Society and Renewable Technology

5. Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and Land Use

6. Cleaner Production and Waste Refinery

For the Market Place, SDCC will highlight some research under SDCC thematic areas and for now, we are focusing in research under Water Unit in AIT, which is part of SDCC thematic Area.

1. Analysis of Climate Variability and Predict the Snow Cover Area and Snowmelt Runoff Using Artificial Neural Network in Higher Himalaya, Nepal: This research is trying to introduce the new method in predicting the number of snow cover in the Himalayan areas in the future as one of the best way to start adaptation activities.

2. Institutional adaptation strategies to climate risks in the Mekong river Basin: This research is trying to analyze the role of local institutions in assisting people in coping the climate change risks and how to bring this issue to the next higher level in the national and regional scope. Further info about SDCC can be obtained by accessing:

2. Behaviour Change – The Contributions of Science and Practice to Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Christopher Eldridge


Climate change is largely caused by human behaviour. Adaptation to climate change involves changing behaviour. It also involves cognition: both the cognitive (and emotional) factors involved in risk perception, and changing cognitive frames and models. People and organisations with relatively inflexible mental frames and models are poorly equipped to adapt to change.

Over the past 5 or 6 decades there have been enormous advances in our understanding both of the factors involved in behaviour and cognition, and also in our understanding of how behaviour can be (and is being) changed. To oversimplify, these advances have emerged from two sets of approaches, through scientific research and through evolving practice. Both have co-evolved, and have influenced each other to varying extents. Both can make important contributions to facilitating adaptation to climate change, and in some cases they are already doing so.

Research in: risk perception, environmental psychology, cognitive and social psychology, behavioural economics, social networks science, social capital; and in other fields.

In the private sector: marketing in general, new media marketing; various management approaches and techniques.

In the public sector: 'Nudge' policies; social marketing; various management approaches and techniques.

In the 3rd sector: social marketing; various approaches and techniques, particularly community-based approaches and participatory methods; campaigns & social movements.

This presentation outlines a sample of advances in these areas that are relevant to climate change adaptation to varying degrees.

3. IEDM, Kyoto University
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Rajib Shaw,
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies
Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN
Tel/ Fax: 81-75-753-5708 (Direct)


IEDM targets to reduce the gap between knowledge and practice through pro-active field-level, community-based project implementation in the field of climate change adaptation (CCA), urban risk reduction (URR) and environment and disaster education. The focus of this research field is to learn the lessons from the field experiences through effective environment and disaster related project management. The IEDM CCA research incorporates community perception, local development plans, and past data analysis. It tries to provide some suggestive measures which should be incorporated in the local development plans. The market place of IEDM CCA will exhibit innovative project results of engaging local communities in the Asian regions, in both urban and rural vulnerable areas. IEDM also hosts the Asian University Network of Environment and Disaster Management (AUEDM), which has 21 universities from 18 countries and regions of Asia. The key target of this network is higher education and research in environment and disaster management, and CCA is considered as a common thematic research area. The marketplace will also exhibit some of the achievements of the AUEDM with specific focus on CCA.

4. Mekong River Commission: The Mekong Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Dr. Tran Mai Kien
Climate Change Programme Officer
Mekong River Commission Secretariat,
P.O. Box 6101, 184 Fa Ngoum Road,
Unit 18, Ban Sithane Neua,
Sikhottabong District,
Vientiane 01000, Lao PDR.
Tel.: +85621 263 263 ext.2418
Cell: +85620 7744 9364
Fax: +85621 263 264
Email: ;



The Mekong River Commission and Mekong Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative 

  • Introduction and background
  • The countries of the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) are recognised as among the most vulnerable countries to climate change in the world. Their economies, ecosystem sustainability and social harmony are at risk.
  • The Mekong River Commission (MRC) is an inter-government River Basin Organisation, established in 1995 by an agreement between the governments of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam. The mandate and mission of the MRC is to promote and coordinate sustainable management and development of water and related resources for the countries' mutual benefit and the people's well-being.
  • The Mekong Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative (CCAI) is a collaborative regional effort of MRC Member Countries to support the process of adapting to the new challenges posed by climate change in the Lower Mekong Basin by building a systematic process of planning, implementation and learning. The CCAI is a long term initiative running initially over 16 years to 2025 which are directly linked into the cycle of MRC’s Strategic Planning process and is supported by a multi-donor partnership.
  • For more information please visit the website:
  • The CCAI's scope is: i) climate change impact and vulnerability assessment; and ii) adaptation planning and implementation at both basin-wide level and local level, linking regional and transbondary aspects with national and sub-national CC strategies and policies
  • Priorities for MRC in regional climate change adaption are:
  • Water resources management
  • Ecosystems enhancement and maintenance
  • Livelihoods and food security
  • The CCAI has four main outcomes:
  • CC Adaptation Planning and Implementation
  • Improved Capacity to Manage and Adapt to CC
  • Strategy and Plans for Climate Change Adaptation
  • Regional Collaboration, Network and Learning
  • Regarding climate change and adaptation, the CCAI will assist the member states on:
  • Policy frameworks to facilitate and guide adaptation
  • Integrated assessments of impacts and vulnerability
  • Adaptation options for priority sectors and areas
  • Pilots and demonstration of adaptation planning and implementation
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Monitoring and reporting on status
  • Capacity building, awareness raising and training
  • China and Myanmar are Dialogue Partners for the MRC and the LMB countries on climate change issues and natural resource management of the Basin overall. That on-going dialogue and collaboration will become especially important as basin-wide and transboundary approaches to adaptation are developed.
  • The CCAI will focus initially on the basin-wide level, addressing basin wide and transboundary issues and the sectors for which it has a mandate and experience, as reflected in the different programmes of the MRC. At the same time it will seek to demonstrate and support the adaptation planning and implementation at other levels, both through its government partners and the core implementing partners.
  • The CCAI will pilot and demonstrate adaptation planning and implementation throughout the region including the processes of climate change impact and vulnerability assessments. It will develop the tools and provide information to support the adaptation planning process. Local demonstration sites will be established to test the methodologies, build capacity, start implementation and provide lessons learned.
  • MRC recent work: Impacts of climate change and development on Mekong flow regime (Technical paper No.29)

The recent MRC-CSIRO Project on “Reducing vulnerability of water resources, people and environment in the Mekong Basin to climate change impacts” has conducted studies in Mekong region on assessment of climate change impact on:

  • flow regime
  • floods and fisheries; and
  • agricultural productivity

In the Lower Mekong region, Climate change is expected to result in modifications to weather patterns in terms of temperature, rainfall and wind, not only in terms of intensity but also in terms of duration and frequency of extreme events. Seasonal water shortages, droughts and floods may become more common and more severe, as may saltwater intrusion. Such changes are expected to affect natural ecosystems and agriculture and food production, and exacerbate the problems of supplying increased food demand to growing populations. The impacts of such changes are likely to be particularly severe given the strong reliance of the LMB communities on natural resources for their livelihoods.

Projection on Flow Regimes:

  • Rainfall increases 1.2-1.5 mm/yr during wet season and 1-2 mm/yr considering annual rainfall
  • Temperature increases about 0.9 C by 2050
  • Under CC, river flow increases in average of  2-11% and 18-40% in wet and dry season,  respectively. (6-16% annually)
  • Development helps increasing river flow in dry season of 30-60% but reducing flow of 8-17% in wet season resulting in 3-8% decrease annually
  • Salinity intrusion will increase in Mekong Delta under Sea Level Rise
  • Uncertainty still remains – CC projections and modeling, impact on ecosystem, people livelihoods, etc.
5. Adaptation Through Networking and Knowlege Sharing
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Climate Himalaya Iniziative
K. N. Vajpai
Theme Leader and Convener


Evidences have shown that, the Hindu Kush Himalayan region is in a state of crisis, affecting many vulnerable people. Various reports have shown that at firsthand the region lacks in coordinated and comprehensive research, whereas the research conducted is often not shared. There is a sheer knowledge gaps and lack of understanding on various climatic issues, while,

no adequate shared understanding about the regional problems as a whole, and no ‘map’ of potential risks. There is the need to close this knowledge gap in the Himalayas through strengthening the institutions and also conducting vulnerability mapping exercise. By recognizing various ongoing climate change phenomena and their impact, a group of people and organizations have proposed a collaborative initiative, called ‘Climate Himalaya Initiative-CHI’, towards Sustainable Mountain Development. This initiative advocates for an reform in the present environment governance system in Himalayan Mountains by developing; an interactive platform, scientific and practitioners’ database, a vibrant leadership network, capacities of people and organizations, and keeping close watch on various climate change adaptation processes. The initiative has been officially launched at the occasion of World Environment Day 5 June 2010 in India. The vision of CHI is to serve as a link between practice, science, policy and decision making, for Sustainable Mountain Development. The broader objective are:

  1. Developing a scientific and practitioners database (Knowledge platform) on climate change in Himalayas,
  2. Developing a vibrant advocacy and Climate Action network in Himalayan region,
  3. Developing capacities of people and organizations on various climate change related issues,
  4. Develop an interactive platform for advocacy, research and capacity building needs, and
  5. Keeping a close watch on climate change adaptation processes in the region.
6. Managing Climate Risk and Opportunities in Southeast Asia and Pacific Region as the Challenge of Climate Change
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Doddy Juli Irawan
Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management (CCROM)
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
Tel/Fax: +62 251 8313709/8310779
Mobile: +62 856 3320 220


a. Brief Profile of CCROM-SEAP, IPB
In terms of brief profile, we would like to give information about introduction of CCROM-SEAP as research centre which focus of research area on climate change; our centre mission; our centre expertise, our management including introduction of focal point, general research and activity focuses in our centre.

b. CCROM-SEAP Activities on Adaptation and other related Issue
As we already know that climate change has become the global issues which can give influence on many sectors. In the light of this, how the community enhances their capability to get adaptation due to climate variability and climate change become important part to improve human welfare and environment. CCROM-SEAP as research centre located in Southeast Asia and Pacific region develop research and activity with main focuses on Agriculture and Food Security, Human Health, Water Resource, also Livelihoods and Hydro-meteorological Shocks. As addition, CCROM-SEAP has collaborated with many national or international agencies in conducting research and activity. Through this market place on Adaptation Forum 2010, CCROM-SEAP will share information of research activities on adaptation which we already conduct and implement.

7. Earthwise Consulting Limited Mainstreaming Adaptation - Lessons from Farmers in New Zealand and Asia
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Dr Gavin Kenny
Director, Earthwise Consulting Ltd
709a Duke St
Hastings 4120
New Zealand
Tel: +64 6 870 8466
Mob: 021 149 3659


Mainstreaming adaptation - lessons from farmers in New Zealand and Asia

Since the beginning of 2001 Dr Gavin Kenny has worked with farmers on climate change adaptation and resilience, as well as contributing to various national and regional initiatives on climate change within New Zealand. This focus on working with farmers emerged from a decade of climate change work through the 1990s, involving climate change impacts and adaptation research, as well as professional training, capacity building and technical support on vulnerability and adaptation. This earlier work by Dr Kenny included climate change projects in Europe, New Zealand, Bangladesh, the Pacific Islands as well as a capacity building project in northern Viet Nam.
In the latter part of 2001 Dr Kenny received a small amount of funding from the New Zealand Ministry for the Environment and the Hawke's Bay (an eastern North Island region in New Zealand) Regional Council to engage with local farmers regarding climate change adaptation. At this time, from his previous decade of experience with climate change, Dr Kenny believed that there was a need to educate farmers about adaptation. The response of many of these farmers was "what do you mean that we need to adapt, we're already adapting". This led to a change of thinking and approach. Instead of following a more "top down" approach to educating farmers, Dr Kenny has subsequently focused on a participatory approach aimed at identifying, documenting and supporting relevant actions that are already being implemented by farmers. This work has principally been undertaken in eastern regions of New Zealand. As a result of this work a deeper understanding of resilience as a response to climate change has been formed. This resilience work with farmers is on-going.

The farm resilience picture
Empowered by this work, Dr Kenny developed a firm belief that there were not only farmers in New Zealand doing things that were relevant responses to climate change, but also farmers in other countries. In 2007 he embarked on a five month journey to document stories from farmers in other parts of the world. He travelled to Thailand, Viet Nam, Nepal, Egypt, Italy, Switzerland and France. One of the best examples he found of proactive adaptation was through the work of the Agri-Nature Foundation in Thailand. He also met wise and forward thinking farmers in most of the other countries he visited. The work of the Agri-Nature Foundation, however, stands out as an excellent example of coordinated action at a grassroots level. Importantly, this work hadn't been connected with climate change adaptation, until Dr Kenny's first meeting with Ajarn Yak (founder of the Agri-Nature Foundation) in 2007.

Change is happening and farmers around the world are responding. Many of their responses have been to local environmental, social and economic conditions. But more and more are becoming aware of global changes such as climate change and, of course, other changes such as economic change, population growth, environmental degradation and peak oil.

The important lesson from this work is that there is a lot of knowledge and wisdom on the ground. International and national responses to climate change, both with adaptation and mitigation, need to make much more use of this knowledge and wisdom. Mainstreaming adaptation, therefore, requires active engagement with local people. The science and policy communities cannot presume that they have all of the answers. In fact many of the answers, and solutions, to the significant challenges we have are to be found with people who are already acting.


8. Agri-Nature Foundation/ Institute of Sufficiency Economy
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Dr. Wiwat Salyakamthorn
Agri-Nature Foundation/Institute of Sufficiency Economy
114 Summakorn Village Soi B, Ramkamheang Road
Bangkok 10240 Thailand
Tel: 081-6517111, 081-3488807, 027294456 Fax: 02-919 0510


Sufficiency Economy Philosophy: Agri-Nature Foundation's Contribution to Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation.

"...His Majesty's "Sufficiency Economy" philosophy emphasizing moderation, responsible consumption, and resilience to external shocks is of great relevance to communities everywhere during these times of rapid globalization. The philosophy's "middle path" approach strongly reinforces the United Nation's own advocacy of a people-centred and sustainable path toward human development..." Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan

The Agri-Nature Foundation was founded in 2001 by Dr. Wiwat Salyakamthorn, who is widely known in Thailand as Ajarn (teacher) Yak. Ajarn Yak was formerly Director of the Special Committee to Coordinate Royal Projects. He resigned after 16 years of royal service to put the King's sufficiency economy philosophy into practice. To-date the Agri-Nature Foundation has established a network of 80 natural agriculture learning centres across Thailand. These learning centres have become the major force in instilling the King's philosophy into local communities, businesses and industries. This work clearly shows that the sufficiency economy philosophy can be put into practice to help farmers and local communities withstand outer shocks, such as economic insecurity caused by modern trade and globalization. It is also becoming evident that the practice of the self sufficiency economy can help local people buffer against and recover from emerging crises such as climate change. It is a comprehensive approach that is building local environmental, social and economic resilience for the present and future.
The nine steps to Sufficiency Economy living: At the implementation level, the philosophy involves nine easy-to-follow steps, which are founded on a "middle path" involving moderation and self-reliance in daily living.

Steps 1-4: The Foundation Level: The first four steps aim at developing the foundation for self sufficient living. Small farmers are encouraged to use local wisdom and natural agriculture to meet their basic needs: food, shelter, household products such as herbal medicine, and a healthy local environment. These basic needs are met by following the principles given by His Majesty the King: "Three kinds of trees for four benefits". "Three kinds of trees" means growing a variety of trees to provide food, shelter and housing, healthcare products, and biodiversity to help create a healthy, clean and resilient local environment. A fundamental principle at the Foundation Level is that the farmers must abandon use of all toxic chemicals in their farming and return to their ancestor's wisdom, together with modern knowledge, on soil biological and ecological management. This fundamental principle is embodied in the phrase: "Feed the Soil and Let the Soil Feed the Plants". This involves mulching, and using biological and organic fertilizer.
Step 5: Making Merit: When enough food is produced to meet household needs, some surplus is given to people to whom we feel gratitude and respect such as monks, parents, teachers, and relatives.
Step 6 Giving and Sharing: Additional food surplus is then extended to the neighbourhood, local community and people in need.
Step 7 Storing and Preserving: Any further food surplus is stored and preserved for times of need.
Step 8 Trading: Economic gain is only sought if there is a surplus after Steps 5-7. This surplus food supply is taken out to the market for ethical trading. Local co-operatives can be formed at this stage.
Step 9: Fostering the philosophy: It is important not just to practice the Sufficiency Economy but also to network with others. By effective networking the Sufficiency Economy philosophy is instilled, fostered and nurtured among the people, especially the youth for long-lasting sustainability and resilience.

Agri-Nature Learning Centres
Under the Agri-Nature Foundation umbrella, 80 Agri-Nature Learning Centres have been established throughout Thailand. They serve as learning hubs to teach sufficiency economy living to farmers and, increasingly, the wider public. Local wisdom, natural agriculture and the sufficiency economy philosophy are integrated and together form the main content of the training curriculum. Implementation and practical aspects are demonstrated using a "learning by doing" approach through nine learning stations:

  1. Rice growing
  2. Household product making
  3. Bio Diesel production
  4. Charcoal making
  5. Soil management
  6. Three kinds of trees for four benefits
  7. Healthcare
  8. Water management
Earthhouse making
9. Coastal Zone Management
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Carmen Elrick
Senior Consultant
Coastal Zone Management Pty Ltd
Mobile: +61 (0) 422 547 462


Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Pty Ltd (Australia) is a nice consultancy company with a proven track record in providing high quality climate change adaptation services to international, national, regional and provincial clients. CZM prides itself on providing innovative and tailored services, based on the principles of sustainable development, in the following areas:

  • Climate change and sea level rise vulnerability and adaptation assessment
  • Climate change capacity building
  • Institutional analysis, policy, planning and management

From local scale impact assessments to regional scenario building and planning, Coastal Zone Management provides expert services to assess the potential impacts of climate change on coastal zones and options available for adaptation. Our approach is management-driven, ensuring that advice provided is both practical and actionable.
We offer the following services:

  • Coastal risk management assessment.
  • Strategic and practical advice on adaptation options.
  • Collection of primary coastal response data for input into coastal impact assessments.

We are increasingly involved in the formulation and delivery of hands-on training schemes, stakeholder engagement and consultation processes. We also have extensive experience in communication, consultation and facilitation and have extended our training approach to encompass a more holistic view of capacity building by addressing change management and conflict resolution. We work in online and traditional media, and have extensive design and writing expertise.
CZM has an established track record of undertaking strategic management, policy and development planning, enabling critical reflection and review on institutional processes for the management of the coastal zone. We have practical experience in delivering the following services:

  • Coastal institutional analysis and strengthening - including climate change mainstreaming.
  • Coastal policy analysis and review.
  • Coastal legislative review, analysis and drafting.
  • Coastal management planning (strategic and operational levels).

Recent clients include:

  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat.
  • United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
  • UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)
  • United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
  • UNDP/ Global Environment Facility (GEF)/Government of Albania.
  • Global Environment Facility (GEF)/Government of Kiribati.
  • Asian Development Bank.
  • Government of the Cook Islands.
  • Western Australian State Government Office of Climate Change.
  • Australian Department of Climate Change.
  • Australian Attorney Generals Department.
  • AusAID.

Case Study
CZM supported the Government of Kiribati in strengthening its institutional and regulatory processes to enhance coastal zone and climate change management (as a component of the Kiribati Adaptation Project, KAP II). CZM developed a staged approach to institutional reform that focussed on the core elements of integrated coastal zone management. The staged approach ensured that progress could be made despite the inherent capacity constraints in-country. Such tailored service delivery is a key facet of CZMs services.

Carmen Elrick is at the conference and would be more than happy to discuss the outcomes of this work as well as a range of other interesting projects undertaken by CZM.
10. Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) Indonesia
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Ratri Sutarto
ph: +62 812 82 171 567


ACCCRN booth aimed to show climate change vulnerability mapping in two ACCCRN cities in Indonesia, Semarang and Bandar Lampung, which include community based vulnerability assessment, governance and climate data.

It will also shows ACCCRN intervention in both cities, the process of ACCCRN, projects conducted to increase climate change adaptation capacity within the community and climate resilience strategy.

Our pilot projects are:
Bandar Lampung:

  • Participatory Design of Adaptation of Community Resilience in Kangkung and Kota Karang Sub-district, Bandar Lampung City to Climate Change by Lampung Ikhlas – Local NGO.
  • Capacity Building of Panjang Selatan Sub-District Society to Cope with Climate Change by Mitra Bentala – Local NGO.


  • Land Arrangement Models In Sub District of Sukorejo, City of Semarang by State University of Semarang
  • Micro Finance Program: Community Based Revolving Fund for Improving Sanitation in Sub District of Kemijen, City of Semarang by Perkumpulan Perdikan
  • Coastal Community Adaptation In Tapak Tugurejo As Resilience Community Coping Climate Change by BINTARI
  • Adaptation to Cope Climate Change Impacts (Landslide and Cyclone) in Sub District of Tandang, City of Semarang by Centre of Planning and Public Participation

and also highlighting the process of integrating Climate Resilience Strategy (CRS) into Local government development planning; the result of ACCCRN intervention in both cities and our future programme.

11. Ecosystem-based Integrated Coastal Resource Management Through Multi-stakeholder Participation In Southern of Thailand
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Ms. Siriporn Sriaram
MFF Thailand Coordinator
Mangroves For the Future (MFF)
IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature
63 Soi Prompong, Sukhumvit Soi 39,
Klongton - Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand.
T: +66 2 662 4029   F: +66 2 662 4388  M: +66 84 926 3374


Location of projects: Nakorn Srithammarat and Trang

The project has produced documentation on issues related to 1) 'Decentralization and Community-based Coastal Resource Management', 2) 'Climate change Adaptation and Community-based Coastal Resource Management', and 3) 'Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness in Coastal Ecosystems'.  Currently, the project is in the process of monitoring and initial assessment before planning for documentation production during the next project phase

This project is led by Sustainable Development Foundation (SDF) in partnership with UNDP, Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, and SEA START.
12. Capacity to know our Vulnerabilities, means Capacity to Adapt? "MDG-F 1656: Strengthening the Philippine's Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change"
Lead Organization/Focal Point


Ms. Gina V. Aljecera
MDG-F 1656 Outcome Manager

Ms. Katherine D. Firmeza
MDG-F 1656 - Programme Manager


The Joint Programme (JP) is the union of nine (9) government entities and six (6) UN institutions. It is a three (3) year programme that aims to achieve the following main outcomes: (1) Climate risk reduction mainstreamed into key national and selected local development plans and processes; (2) enhanced national and local capacity to develop, manage and administer plans, programmes and projects addressing climate change risks; and (3) coping mechanisms improved through pilot demonstration adaptation projects.
The biggest challenge is convincing key decision makers to see the implications climate change may bring in the everyday life of the most vulnerable sectors. It advocates that development as usual may not be enough to reach developmental goals, particularly the MDGs. Its pilot demonstration sites have already gained positive gains.

The purpose of participating in the marketplace is to share experience and seek colleagues who had or implemented the same program to share their experiences and lessons learned.
13. Climate Change Adaptation Center Integrating Development in Southwest Bangladesh
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Mohon Kumar Mondal
Executive Director
Local Environment Development and Agricultural Research Society LEDARS
Village-Munshigonj, Post Office-Kadamtala, Upazila-Shyamnagar,
District-Satkhira, PC-9455, Bangladesh
Phone+88 01713 462821,  88 01712 030338


Title: Adaptation Center Reducing Climate Migrants in Southwest Bangladesh

A. We will present a poster showing the vulnerability of the southwest coastal area of Bangladesh. It will describe the cause of vulnerability and people suffering. For lack of employment opportunity people are moving form the area. Women and children are suffering for the drinking water scarcity.

B. The poster shows a diagram how we are integrating the development initiatives. The diagram actually shows the working strategy of the adaptation center.

C. Then the poster shows some achievement of the initiatives with picture. The achievement area follows
How many people have engaged with the sustainable IGA?
How the initiatives facilitate their smooth living style in the crucial situation of climate change impact.
How many technology are displayed and how many adaptation strategy are replicating in the coastal area.

D. The market place issue is different. It is an achievement of initial stage activity. The full place adaptation center being developing. The poster describes the future dreams.

14. Climate Change in the Himalayas: Sharing Experiences
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Tek Jung Mahat,
APMN Node Manager,


ICIMOD Market Place will contain CCA related publications, posters, and pictures of changing landscape showing how climate change is affecting mountain ecosystems in the Himalayas.


15. Climate Agriculture Impacts Forecast Adaptation (CAIFA)
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Kan-ichiro MATSUMURA
Dept of Applied informatics, School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University
669-1337Gakuen2-1 Sanda, Hyogo
TEL:079-565-9026:Direct FAX:079-565-7605,


Climate change influences human activities and we have to adapt to it. August the 5th in 2010, Russia announced that crop production went down 26% from previous year and stopped exporting crops. This fact suggests that it is important to estimate the impact of changes in climatic condition on crop yield. We developed the system. If you choose countries and put the monthly average precipitation value, then you will be able to get expected yield of soybean crops. We are working on developing same system on rice, wheat and maize. The purpose of the project is for the citizens to share the information related to food production and adaptation for the climate change. If shortage of food happens, we think that price of crops rises rapidly and if oversupply of food happens, the price decreases dramatically. But the real word changes different way. If we could share the information in advance we can make a correct decision


16. CARE International - Empowerment for Local Adaptation; Knowledge for Global Change
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Bruce Ravesloot,


CARE seeks a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. Climate change poses the single greatest threat in history to achieving our vision. The impacts of climate change are already destroying livelihoods and aggravating financial, political, social and environmental inequities. Without urgent action, this could make it impossible for poor and marginalised people to reach a wide range of development and justice goals. There is still time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change and prevent human suffering on an unprecedented scale, but we haven't a moment to lose.

CARE's response to climate change is rapidly growing to reflect the scope and severity of the challenge. Our overarching objectives are to empower poor and marginalised people to take action on climate change at all levels and to build knowledge for global change. In keeping with our core poverty-fighting mission, CARE is pursuing these objectives through the following strategic themes: global policy engagement, adaptation, making carbon finance work for the poor and organisational change. We emphasize social justice, gender equality and empowerment in everything we do.

It is clear that adaptation to climate change will be critical to achieving sustainable development, and that this will require action across sectors and at multiple levels. CARE is working with people around the world on innovative, community-based adaptation (CBA) approaches that address the changing climate. We are advocating for sufficient global funds for adaptation, and for funding mechanisms that these funds reach those who need them most. We are developing tools and offering training to build the capacity of our partner organizations to understand the challenge of climate change and to plan appropriate responses. Within our programming and capacity building, we are focusing our efforts on integrating adaptation to climate change into new and existing projects in climate-sensitive sectors, and on designing new programmes which specifically aim to address climate change impacts through community-based adaptation.


17. Multidisciplinary Problem Solving: Grappling with Complexity and Tackling the Big Issues
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Dr. Sarah Hewitt
The University of Queensland
St Lucia, Queensland 4072


To be provided

18. Agro-forestry - GERES Cambodia
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Ms Loh Wang Chin
Mobile: +855-17-559-289


Firstly, it is to showcase the benefits of Agro-foresty systems and how this system is intrinsically linked to with people and climate change adaptation.  Secondly, it will exhibit the existing challenges in Cambodia and the strategy of GERES Cambodia to promote relevant practices of agro-forestry.

Agro-foresty is about optimizing land management, balancing the correct amount of various trees with various crops, so as to yield maximum, long-term sustainable benefits of both crops, people? and trees. It brings back the balance of natural harmony that monoculture and land degradation had stripped off, brings about biodiversity, modifying micro climate.

There are multi-benefits to bring the "trees" back into the cropland: roots and organic waste of trees in and agricultural landscape improve the water carrying capacity of the soil,  prevents soil erosions, enhance and improve the availability of essential nutrients, improving soil fertility; the branches and leaves could provide additional fodder for the animals, or as organic matters that returns as nutrients, wood can be sold as products or as construction material, small branches provide an energy source for cooking; fruits and nuts brings about food security, food diversity, seasonal productivity, with the excess to sell. They are aesthetically pleasing, Trees provides important shade for human and livestocks, modify micro-climate, reduces wind erosion, potentially beneficial for certain crops. Very importantly, they can be used very effectively to reforest eroded and degraded land and are employed as a technique to combat against effects of climate change.

In Cambodia, rapid land cultivation expansion has led to changes in the nutrient cycle, proneness of the land to soil erosions, increased vulnerability to extreme seasonal weather conditions.  Increased forest pressure, both by land expansion and lack of incentives to integrate trees into the new landscape, has led to less readily available and more distance timber and fuel wood resources. Cambodia is recognised as one the most vulnerable countries in the face of climate change and farmers are in the forefront to receive the brunt of it. Agro-forestry systems, under the branch of adaptation, had been proven to be effective against climate change, and builds up farmer's resilience against climate change. (great!)
The practises of agro-forestry in Cambodia is in the early stages. The system has not been practised with the aim of a crop and tree symbiosis, optimization in products, time and space of the cultivated lands. Therefore, it is urgent to showcase what had been done for agro-forestry in Cambodia and to accelerate the growth of agro-forestry, whose benefits are realised in multiple time frame, contributing to economic and fuel stability. The land conditions will be restored with improved crop yield, improved water and soil quality, bringing about biodiversity and sequestration of carbon.

GERES Cambodia works with the locals to promote the relevant practices of agro-forestry, developing models, matching trees with cash crops species, promote living fences and perform assessment of the different models. These will be showcased to foster potential south-south learning and partnerships.

19. International of Student in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS Indonesia
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Aurora Septy. V
Deputy Local Director 2010/2011
IAAS Indonesia LC. Padjadjaran University
Phone : +62 857 217 719 89, +6222 9202 5236
Email :


"IAAS" stand for International Association of Student in Agriculture and Related Sciences , that supports to reduce global warming and climate change. The booth will also show case compost product that results from house hold waste and will further highlight the project " rainwater catchment system".

20. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Hye Young (Hailey) Kim
Senior Information and Communication Coordinator
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)


Description will be provided soon.

21. Transforming Forest Conflict: RECOFTC - The Center for People and Forests
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Mr Ben Vickers


Conflict over forests and land in Asia is widespread. Competition for land for investment, resource extraction, and conservation is becoming more common, and with it, community-outsider conflict is believed to have increased in both number and severity.

Transforming conflict for the benefit of all stakeholders is an important mission in any environment.  But if countries in this region are to successfully adapt to the challenges posed by climate change, the urgency of the task cannot be overstressed.  RECOFTC - The Center for People and Forests - aims to shed more light on how conflict begins; how it affects the actors involved; and how it can be successfully managed.

22. United Nations Development Program – Climate Change Adaptation
Lead Organization/Focal Point

Gernot Laganda
Regional Technical Advisor Climate Change Adaptation
3rd Floor, UN Service Building, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok, Thailand


The booth will showcase the UNDP's experience in implementing climate change adaptation projects to increase resilience to climate change.

The UNDP approach to adaptation is ultimately about doing development differently – integrating climate change risk management into Millennium Development Goals - focused initiatives.

The booth will provide information on:

  • Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change;
  • Advancing Climate Change Adaptation in Developing Countries;
  • Gender and Climate Change; and
  • A Toolkit for Designing Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives.
  • 23. Towards Safer Sri Lanka by Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
    Lead Organization/Focal Point

    Deepani Rathnasiri
    Programme Assistant (Environment)
    Climate Change Secretariat, Ministry of Environment
    980/4A Wickramasinghe Place, Ethul Kotte, Sri Lanka


    In the Market place we would like show how and what efforts that have been taken by Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Disaster Management and other key stakeholders to adapt to the Climate Change impacts and so called Climate Extreme events. This includes policies, Adaptation Best practices and Knowledge products.

    Following is a brief description about the products that we plan to use.


    1. "Towards a Safer Sri Lanka; A Road map for Disaster Risk Reduction in Sri Lanka; A guiding document for disaster Management in Sri Lanka which include necessary programmed, Projects, time frame, Manpower and Budget required for implementations of the Road map.
    Presentation methods: Display

    2. "Green Lanka Action Plan" by Presidential Secretariat (2009) "Caring for Environment path to Sustainable Development; Action Plan 2008-2012, by Ministry of Environment (2008). The highlight the efforts needed to "Meet the Challenges of Climate Change."
    Presentation methods: Display

    Adaptation Projects

    1. Best Adaptation practices for climate change induced soil salinity in paddy farming.
    Sea level rise associated salt water intrusion and prolonged dry spells resulting high salt accumulations are expected to have adverse impacts on rice paddy cultivation, the staple food of Sri Lanka. Recent research indicates that about 70% paddy lands in dry coastal areas are vulnerable to climate change impacts with around 100,000 hectares are affected with salinity already. To meet this climate induced challenge farmers best adaptation option menu for soil salinity has developed through this project with intensive participation of community and other relevant institutions.
    Presentation methods: Video and Posters

    2. Best Adaptation practices for flood affected paddy fields
    Frequency of flood has increased and it is estimated that around 60,000 hectares of paddy lands will be submerged in near future and this will particularly adversely affect the paddy cultivations in the wet zone as flooding is a major factor limiting the rice production in the region. Through the project, different type of varieties that can be with stand under long submerged condition and management practices has developed.
    Presentation methods; Video and Posters

    3. Community seed banks with Drought and Flood tolerance crop varieties
    Through this project, conserve the traditional seeds which are more tolerance to drought, floods and strengthen the community seed supply during and after emergencies.
    Presentation methods: Posters

    Knowledge Products

    1. Sri Lanka Climate Change Adaptation Web portal
    This is a "one-stop-shop" web based data base (Sri Lanka climate change adaptation portal) which would include the list of key publications, research papers, case studies, Relevant Projects, Briefs, Policy papers, etc covering sectors i.e. Water sector; Health; Industry; Coastal zone; Transport; Agriculture; Forestry; Energy; Marine resources; Forestry; Human settlement and public utilities. The corresponding database will be available on request and further includes information on author, institution, URL, synopsis, and key issues touched upon for ease of use and reference. The Portal will be anchored in and developed in close coordination with relevant staff of the Disaster Management Centre and Climate Change Secretariat of the Ministry of Environment.
    Presentation methods: Projected Web site

    2. A Book (Draft) on Farmers Best Adaptation Practices for Drought and Flood In Sri Lanka
    This is a guide book prepare for the farmers to do their cultivation under Drought and flood condition.
    Presentation methods: Displaye

    3. A Book on guide line for Housing Development in Coastal Sri Lanka

    This include best practice guide to settlement Planning, Housing Design and Service Provision with Special Emphasis on Disaster Preparedness.
    Presentation methods: Display