Disaster prevention action plans based on the concept of timeline

ENTRY DATE: 24.12.2014 | LAST UPDATE: 24.12.2014


  • Disaster Prevention
  • Applicable to any disaster (Soft measures)


Trial to introduction phase

Technology Owners:

  • The relevant U.S. agencies
  • Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Water and Disaster Management Bureau, Japan

Needs Address

Needs to response, reduce and avoid unexpected disaster.

Adaptation effects

Mitigation of damage (assuming that damage will occur) or early restoration by the prior creation, notification and implementation of an action plan that clearly indicates what disaster prevention actions are to be executed, by which implementation bodies, at what point in time before/after the threat.

Overview and Features

  • These are action plans prepared in advance of foreseeable disasters. They provide the details of disaster prevention actions to be implemented prior to the event, as well as implementation timing and implementing bodies, all in a reverse countdown from the time of occurrence of the disaster. The disaster prevention actions described in these plans should include, for example, mobilization of staff, administrative procedures related to emergency response, preparation of shelters, evacuation orders, halting of public transportation, and emergency evacuation of support staff. Preparation of the action plan involves the preparation of multiple damage scenarios, and listing up of actions in accordance with the status of national government and local governments, and priority items to protect, and coordination among the relevant agencies. By effectively using the time before the occurrence of a disaster and working to maximize the disaster prevention activities, it will be possible to mitigate damage predicted to increase due to climate change in the future. 
  • The United States is a world leader in these kinds of efforts, and as shown in the image, uses the idea of the "zero hour" as a basis for a timeline for the countdown to the expected disaster. The timeline indicates who is supposed to do what action by that time.
    Figure: Disaster prevention action plan based on the concept of timeline
    This image is a combination of Japanese organizational structures and action plans of the United States (http://www.mlit.go.jp/river/kokusai/disaster/america/taiou_ref3.pdf)


  • The disaster prevention action plan based on the concept of timeline is an effective initiative for disasters that can be predicted. Because weather forecasts and warnings, water levels of rivers and the sea surface, etc., are important for decision-making, it may be necessary to take steps in advance such as creating disaster prediction information systems, coordinating among related agencies that will be implementing bodies for disaster prevention activities, and to develop organizational structures.
  • Because these kinds of initiatives are at the trial stage around the world, when creating and implementing a disaster prevention action plans, it may be necessary to obtain the assistance of knowledgeable experts. 

Co-benefit, suitability for developing countries

  • The disaster prevention action plans can also be used after the disaster strikes. Post-disaster restoration will proceed more smoothly if actions that should be done immediately after a disaster occurs, within a few days, and within a few weeks, are all clarified, including the timing of actions, and implementation bodies.
  • Since not many regions are currently implementing these initiatives, the various trials by national and local governments can be expected to help this kind of planning mature in the future. 

Information Resources

The contents in this technology database was edited in reference to information resources as follows:

  • River Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)
  • Study Mission to the United Sates relating to Hurricane Sandy
    http://www.mlit.go.jp/river/kokusai/disaster/america/ (in Japanese)